

6 Signs You Need A Termite Control Professional

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Addressing a termite infestation promptly can save you from costly repairs down the line. If you suspect termites, it’s crucial to take action immediately and consult with professionals to protect your most significant investment – your home. It’s important to be proactive about termite prevention and detection.

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What To Do After A Tick Bite


If you’ve spent any time outdoors this summer, you’ve likely encountered ticks at some point. The little pests are very common in Ohio and are attracted to people and our four-legged friends. They live outdoors in tall grass, trees, bushes, and leaf piles. While tick bites themselves are relatively harmless, […]

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2023 Ohio Tick Prevention Guide

2023 Ohio Tick Prevention Guide

As a homeowner, the last thing you want to stumble across on your property is a tick. The environment of Ohio is, unfortunately, designed to create humble homes for these pesky pests. Ticks thrive in tall grasses, wooded areas, and underneath piles of chopped wood and leaves. The biggest problem […]

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The Top 4 Pest Control Tips for Spring

The Top 4 Pest Control Tips for Spring

The Top 4 Pest Control Tips for Spring Spring is almost here, and with the arrival of warmer weather, pests are starting to make their way into our homes. However, taking proactive measures now can help prevent infestations and ensure a pest-free summer. Here are a few additional tips from […]

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Odorous Intruders: What Attracts Stink Bugs to Your Home?

What Attracts Stink Bugs to Your Home?

Stink bugs, known for their distinctive odor and pesky presence, have become an all-too-common nuisance for homeowners. These shield-shaped insects can invade your living space in large numbers, causing frustration and a pungent smell if disturbed. But what exactly attracts stink bugs to your home? In this article, we will […]

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How To Get Rid of Silverfish

How To Get Rid of Silverfish

Silverfish, those small, silvery pests with wriggling movements, are a common nuisance in many homes. These nocturnal creatures can cause damage to books, papers, clothing, and other household items. If you’ve discovered silverfish infesting your space, it’s time to take action. In this article, we will explore effective DIY methods […]

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