What To Know About Bed Bug Treatment & Removal

Protect your home and learn more about bed bug treatment and removal with the go2-pros extermination team.
What do bed bugs look like?
Adult bed bugs are typically light to dark brown in color but may appear more reddish after feeding. They are wingless, with flat, oval-shaped bodies that feature a characteristic striped pattern across the back. Adults range from about 4-5mm in length, which is approximately about the size of a large apple seed. Bed bug eggs are also quite small – about the size of a pin head. These tiny eggs are a pearl white color and have obvious eyespots if older than 5 days.

Are Bed Bugs Dangerous?

After being bitten by a bed bug, many people develop red, incredibly itchy welts that may feel warm to the touch. A typical tell-tale sign that it’s a bed bug bite versus a spider or mosquito bite is how the bites line up. You’ll often see clusters of bites that contain 3 to 5 bites in a row or zigzag pattern. While the bites themselves aren’t dangerous, scratching them can lead to secondary infections.
Bed bugs may lead to insomnia, as you worry about them crawling all over you in the middle of the night, taking refuge in your bed, or spreading throughout the rest of your home. Some people report they feel their anxiety is heightened when dealing with the sleep loss and frustration of battling bed bugs. These anxious, restless nights can significantly impact your overall quality of life making you not just tired and less alert but also more prone to illness, infection, and even serious accidents.

True allergic reactions from bed bug bites are quite rare.
However, some people experience more significant allergic reactions than others. If the bed bug bites appear enlarged, the swelling is painful at the bite site, or you’re experiencing symptoms of anaphylaxis (such as trouble breathing, feeling light-headed or faint, wheezing, fast heartbeat, clammy skin, lost consciousness, or confusion/anxiety), seek medical attention right away.
Bed Bugs Keeping You Up at Night?
Common Questions About Bed Bugs
Where are bed bugs hiding in my home?
Will the cold kill bed bugs?
As long as blood meals (you and your household members) are readily available for them to snack on, they will continue to live on in your home no matter how low you drop the temperature to try and freeze them out.
Do bed bugs bite dogs, cats, and other pets?
Are bed bugs really that hard to get rid of?
They can be incredibly difficult to eliminate and get rid of because of how quickly they multiple and how resilient to environmental stress they are. A full-blown infestation can happen within a matter of weeks. They often require multiple bed bug treatment sessions, depending on the size of the infestation and at what stage of life cycle they’re in.
Their size and feeding habits also make them difficult to see and find. If you happen to miss even a single bed bug during bed bug treatment, they can easily continue to reproduce, creating another infestation.
How did I get bed bugs? I clean daily and I’m not a dirty person!?
Most people accidentally bring bed bugs into their home in multiple ways, including:
– Luggage and purses
– Used furniture that wasn’t carefully inspected before being brought into your home
– Laundry or bedding from outside of your home
– From other people (unknowing house guests or people you may have been close to on public transport or around other public areas)
Can bleach or isopropyl alcohol kill bed bugs?
Unfortunately, because bed bugs are really good at hiding, they may not be likely to come into direct contact with the bleach or alcohol long enough to get it to work properly. Your best use of bleach when dealing with bed bugs is to use it to launder and clean your clothing and bedding with it using hot water.